Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A quote from Flavel

I am continuing to read and meditate on The Mystery of Providence by Puritan John Flavel in my devotions and I recently read the following quote that I found particularity helpful in thinking through how God's providences moves in my life....here it is

"He [God] consults my good rather than my ease"

How often I can think and have a functional theological perspective that my ease in life (i.e. no trials or difficulties) equates to God's goodness but how often I have experienced that not to be the case. The very things that I would say have been the most trying and difficult in my life have proved to have produced the most fruit! This gives me hope as I think about current trials and seasons of testings....I know there is God's goodness behind the frown of God's providence.

And the first part of Flavel's quote should also bring hope to our souls....God consults our good. Think about that...the God of the universe, who sustains all things....consults (thinks about and plans)....our (sinners saved by grace)....good (not just okay or getting by but goodness). That is amazing to me. And for those that have been redeemed by the Blood of the lamb....God will work all things together for good....what a great promise.

So what trials or difficulties to you currently face? Lets us be of good courage because God may not be consulting your ease but he is most certainly consulting your good.

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