Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thoughts on a blog.....

I learned a new term a few days ago when I read a blog post my Tim Challies....the term "planned neglect". The full article can be found here and is entitled "The Priority of Practicing". The basic premise of Tim's article is that God calls us to "neglect" the things of the world or things that are genuinely good and we enjoy for things God has called us too and he wants us to walk in. And this neglect is not it is planned and pursued with a diligent vigor. Through this "planned neglect" we gain that which is supremely valuable, Christ and an increased love for the Savior.

So I have begun to ask myself this question.....Christopher, what things in your life is God calling you to purposefully neglect? I found this to be a difficult question for me to answer....because I don't want to "give up" anything! But for me in this season, I think God is calling me to planned neglect of working late hours at work so I can make sufficient time to have my devotions in the morning. Also as I thought about it, I realized how easily I can come home from a long day and just want to "veg" out on the sofa....either doing nothing or watching a movie. I think here to God would call me to a planned neglect of my ease to read....just 15 minutes when I arrive home.

I would encourage you to ask yourself the same questions....what things are currently doing that God would call you to "neglect" for the sake of gaining Christ? Maybe it is watching less TV so you can read his word more. Maybe it is spending less time in the office so you can fellowship or serve in the church. Maybe it is stepping out of a few responsibilities so your life isn't so crazy that you be quiet before the Lord in prayer. Whatever it is, ask the Lord what would you call me to "neglect" to gain Christ.

So add this phrase to your dictionary....Planned may prove to a powerful force of grace.

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